Monday, July 16, 2007

Gone villainin'......

Well, I haven't gotten much done for drawing so far this month, partly due to home renovations and partly due to playing City of Heroes/Villains (mainly playing my fire-based villain, the Burn Unit). I'm now seeing the dangers of video game addiction, especially when I'm wanting to get myself back into drawing on a consistent basis. Since CoH/CoV is a MMORG, I tend to subscribe for a month and then take a month or two off because of this. My latest subscription just ended yesterday, so that'll free me up a lot more.

I'm now putting some serious thought into doing a webcomic. I haven't quite decided on which of my plethora of ideas I'll use. I'm leaning a lot towards my Teenyboppers concept at the moment, though I'm gonna switch out a couple of the characters and just keep Sunshine for the final line-up. I see a lot of fun potential in the characters. As a father of 2 very cute little girls, I've been noticing a lack of good comic material for girls of all ages. So I'm feeling a comic like this would be a good way to cater to that demographic (and hopefully as well to non-little girls :) ). I'll be working on designing the 2 (or 3) replacement characters for the team this week and get them posted up as I go along. Then I'll see how I can get their story started after that.

Since I've got no new drawings to post, I'll just post a couple of images of my lovely wife and two girls.

Tineke (mommy) and Juliana -from a couple of years ago (sorry, I'm posting this up from work (shhhh don't tell anyone) and don't have any more recent ones with my wife on my computer here)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Estee (15 months - up front) and Juliana (now 3 1/2 - in the back)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Dodo said...

I never commented this before, but man, what a lovely group of ladys you have!
Your daughters are just beautiful, that hair!

escapegoat said...

Thanks :)

Before we had kids, I said that it didn't matter if we had boys or girls, just so long as they're redheads.

Now I'm discovering just how much attention a little girl with curly redhead attracts when we go out!