Tuesday, September 25, 2007


A little something done up for the Arena Girl competition currently going on at FACA. Had a lot of fun designing this gal, especially since I love bats. :)
Now it's time for me to get to work on my character for FACA4, which i won't be allowed to show here until later in the competition (depending on whether my team losses or wins the whole she-bang!)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Wasp - colored

Here we go, as promised. I also did a variation of her without the wings.


Hmmm...just noticed that the colors look a little odd....the red should be a pure red and not blotchy... image compression issue?

The Wasp

I have finally gotten back into my drawing state of mind again. Did up an image of the Wasp for a part of an artist jam on the Comic Book Resources messageboard website. Loved working on this design. The character is notorious for having an inifinte number of costumes, which change almost every other issue that you see her in (because she's so much into clothes and fashion). I decided to pick her very first original costume, which was designed way back in the 60's. I think it has a very awesome retro feel to it. I'll add a color version of this picture later today or tomorrow.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Anyone who likes to draw should check this site out:


The next competition is starting up in September. This time it's with tag teams (w/ managers). I'm looking at getting in on the action, but I need 2 other people to make up a team. I've got plenty of ideas, but no way to utilize them til I get a team going : /

If there's anyone out there interested in taking part anm joining up with me, then let me know. I'll even take on the manager role if I haveta ;)


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Terra Incognita

And last, but not least - Terra Incognita

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She probably won't be a member right away in the comic, but I'll be adding her in at some point early on. She's a mutant with mexican and indian hertiage, adding a bit of an ethnic variation to the team.


The third of my new team members for the Teenyboppers - Starlet

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Your typical archtypical powerhouse super-heroine. Still fleshing out her background.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Introducing my first of 4 new characters for the Teenyboppers.....Nighty-Night!

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I havent' fully fleshed out her powers yet, but I have a general idea. I like how she's turned out, similiar to how I felt when I designed Sunshine. I find the character's name to be very important during the design process (so that's probably why Bulwark and Captain Dynamite didn't work for me while I was designing them for the CBRunway contest they were submitted for).

Monday, July 16, 2007

Gone villainin'......

Well, I haven't gotten much done for drawing so far this month, partly due to home renovations and partly due to playing City of Heroes/Villains (mainly playing my fire-based villain, the Burn Unit). I'm now seeing the dangers of video game addiction, especially when I'm wanting to get myself back into drawing on a consistent basis. Since CoH/CoV is a MMORG, I tend to subscribe for a month and then take a month or two off because of this. My latest subscription just ended yesterday, so that'll free me up a lot more.

I'm now putting some serious thought into doing a webcomic. I haven't quite decided on which of my plethora of ideas I'll use. I'm leaning a lot towards my Teenyboppers concept at the moment, though I'm gonna switch out a couple of the characters and just keep Sunshine for the final line-up. I see a lot of fun potential in the characters. As a father of 2 very cute little girls, I've been noticing a lack of good comic material for girls of all ages. So I'm feeling a comic like this would be a good way to cater to that demographic (and hopefully as well to non-little girls :) ). I'll be working on designing the 2 (or 3) replacement characters for the team this week and get them posted up as I go along. Then I'll see how I can get their story started after that.

Since I've got no new drawings to post, I'll just post a couple of images of my lovely wife and two girls.

Tineke (mommy) and Juliana -from a couple of years ago (sorry, I'm posting this up from work (shhhh don't tell anyone) and don't have any more recent ones with my wife on my computer here)
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Estee (15 months - up front) and Juliana (now 3 1/2 - in the back)
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Teenyboppers

Here's a little creation I did up for the play-at-home version of CBRunway (after I got eliminated). I wanted to give the final challenge of the competition a shot, which was to design a superteam based off the names Sunshine, Captain Dynamite, and Bulwark. Here's what I came up with :)


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Captain Dynamite
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The Teenyboppers! Team teen supreme from the town of Fearnot. Why does the town of Fearnot need a team of such fine, young, ablebodied superheroines?

Why not?

Actually, truth be told, Fearnot is one of those rare geometrical locations on the globe where the strange and unusual are drawn to it. Sort of like New York, but without all the really tall buildings. These three young heroines are all that stand in the way of these catastrophies of gargantuan proportions (sometimes smaller) that get drawn to Fearnot, whether they be alien invaders (Fearnot, translated in some alien dialects, can mean something extremely rude regarding the motherunits to those such races), supervillains just passing through (more than you would expect), or weatherballoons gone out of control (creating tornados or other such nonsense), thanks to the Teenyboppers, these situations are well under control when they arise.

The Teenyboppers! Bopping crime one villain at a time.

Insipration:It took me a while to come up with this idea. I pretty much had the concept of Sunshine right away, but didn't know what to do with the rest of the team. Then I kinda got inspired when I accidentally caught a part of the Powerpuff Girls movie on TV last week (first time I've ever seen them...pretty cool stuff. Loved the part where all those villainous monkey-themed villains started coming outta the woodworks). Anyhow, that gave me the idea to do a team of young teen superheroines, and then base them in a small town setting. The town of Fearnot kinda created itself out of that, along with Professor Poison. So now I've got this Powerpuff Girls/Superboy/Ninja High School/Dirty Pair vibe going on with this concept.

I'm tempted to start a webcomic of this group, but I've a ton of ideas for other stories I would like to do, and not enough tiem to do any of them. I'd probably make some changes to a couple of the characters (Sunshine is the only one of the group that I really liked, who turned out as I envisioned her).

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


My recent designs from the CBRunway competition:

Round 1: Animal concept design round (Butterfly)
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One of my favorites, though the above image doesn't fit well within the amount of space blogger allows you for your images (currently trying to see what I can do to fix this, but it doesn't appear there's much I can do unless I become an expert with html coding)

Round 2: Nation hero design round (Luck o' the Irish)
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Design was rather basic, but I liked the concept I was able to come up for him within the competition. I barely made it by that round with this character, due to having too many similarities with Guardian's uniform from Alpha Flight.

Round 3: Dazzler re-design round
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Loved how this one turned out. Changed the character from her disco queen roots into more of a rave/DJ uniform.

Round 4: Hero/month design (M.A.R.C.H.)
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Another cramped image. Enjoyed the design and thought it would do well with the votes, but most people didn't catch the "March " feel I was trying to get across with the design

Round 5: X-men/Legion of Super-heroes re-design (Cyclops)
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Another of my favorites. Did the best out of the bunch, placing 2nd in that round

Round 6: Fictional character design (Coraline)
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Toughest round of the competition (for everyone), due to research needed to come up with the design. Wound up being a non-elimination round (probably because it was so tough)

Round 7: Golden age Image character re-design (Voodoo)
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The last round, where I got eliminated. Thought I would do good with this one, but I got eliminated with this re-design.

Overall, the competition was fun, and it was great to finally flex my creative muscles after inactivity over the last 2 years. However, there's a lot of faults with the voting setup for the CBRunway, which I hope they can fix next year (too many "get your friends to vote for you, no matter how crappy your stuff is"-ness going on). I went in there, fresh to the message boards, without any extra "added" support to gain myself votes. I had hoped that the actual voters would be a bit more objective with how they cast their votes, but there was a small group of them that weren't, which made the competition less fun the further along I went in it. Oh well...

I create, therefore I am!

Hi y'all

I've been creatively out of service over the last couple of years, but now am looking to make a comeback. My goals have always been to break into the comic book industry, either by self-publishing or with any company that will want me. I'm now in the process of preparing myself to be drawing/writing/creating at a consistant pace. This of course will be tricky to get set up, being married and a father of 2 cute little redheads keeps my attention constantly away from my goals (although they are all well worth it). I'm going to use this blog to start holding myself accountable. I'll aim to post a new drawing at least once a week, along with some of my previous stuff. A lot of what I do is just pencil sketches, but I'm aiming to branch out a bit more. I just finished up participating in the CBRunway competition over at the Comic Book Resources messageboard. Didn't quite make it all the way through to the end on that one, but I had a blast re-creating and designing new ideas. I'll try and get this blog a little more into shape over the next week.
