Wednesday, May 30, 2007


My recent designs from the CBRunway competition:

Round 1: Animal concept design round (Butterfly)
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One of my favorites, though the above image doesn't fit well within the amount of space blogger allows you for your images (currently trying to see what I can do to fix this, but it doesn't appear there's much I can do unless I become an expert with html coding)

Round 2: Nation hero design round (Luck o' the Irish)
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Design was rather basic, but I liked the concept I was able to come up for him within the competition. I barely made it by that round with this character, due to having too many similarities with Guardian's uniform from Alpha Flight.

Round 3: Dazzler re-design round
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Loved how this one turned out. Changed the character from her disco queen roots into more of a rave/DJ uniform.

Round 4: Hero/month design (M.A.R.C.H.)
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Another cramped image. Enjoyed the design and thought it would do well with the votes, but most people didn't catch the "March " feel I was trying to get across with the design

Round 5: X-men/Legion of Super-heroes re-design (Cyclops)
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Another of my favorites. Did the best out of the bunch, placing 2nd in that round

Round 6: Fictional character design (Coraline)
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Toughest round of the competition (for everyone), due to research needed to come up with the design. Wound up being a non-elimination round (probably because it was so tough)

Round 7: Golden age Image character re-design (Voodoo)
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The last round, where I got eliminated. Thought I would do good with this one, but I got eliminated with this re-design.

Overall, the competition was fun, and it was great to finally flex my creative muscles after inactivity over the last 2 years. However, there's a lot of faults with the voting setup for the CBRunway, which I hope they can fix next year (too many "get your friends to vote for you, no matter how crappy your stuff is"-ness going on). I went in there, fresh to the message boards, without any extra "added" support to gain myself votes. I had hoped that the actual voters would be a bit more objective with how they cast their votes, but there was a small group of them that weren't, which made the competition less fun the further along I went in it. Oh well...

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